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Case Study: American School of Dubai

A new image for the Athletics department and sports teams at a growing, top-tier international school.

 The American School of Dubai required a re-design of its "ASD Falcons" Athletics logos. The in-depth process involved balancing input from the school's administration, board of trustees, faculty, and students, and then navigating the crowded fi

The American School of Dubai required a re-design of its "ASD Falcons" Athletics logos. The in-depth process involved balancing input from the school's administration, board of trustees, faculty, and students, and then navigating the crowded field of falcon imagery in Dubai.

 The end result was a full set of logos for flexible use, with clean lines for easy, one-color reproduction.

The end result was a full set of logos for flexible use, with clean lines for easy, one-color reproduction.

 The old Falcon had been fashioned after an exiting professional sports team. The school's growth and new mission demanded a set of icons unique to the school.

The old Falcon had been fashioned after an exiting professional sports team. The school's growth and new mission demanded a set of icons unique to the school.

 Logo versions first went through a school-wide voting process, and then were tested with third-party vendors, before formal adoption.

Logo versions first went through a school-wide voting process, and then were tested with third-party vendors, before formal adoption.

 The simple one-sheet style-guide allows the Athletics department to efficiently implement styles consistently, and without using the resources of the school's communications team.

The simple one-sheet style-guide allows the Athletics department to efficiently implement styles consistently, and without using the resources of the school's communications team.
